Food as Cultural Medicine: Golden Milk

Golden milk is one of my favorite cold weather foods, for nourishing the spirit and the body. These spices are considered grounding and calming for those with air imbalances (vata in Ayurveda tradition), warming for those in a cold state (cold climates and post-birth or surgery), anti-inflammatory (turmeric) and regulating for blood sugar (cinnamon).

My personal recipe below is a adapted from a recipe from friend and sister, Takawi Peters.

Best enjoyed on a backdrop of blankets, rain, and a full moon.

  1. Simmer 1-2 cinnamon sticks, 4-5 star anise, and 4-5 cloves in coconut or oat milk for 20 mins.

  2. Add 3-4 tablespoons powdered turmeric (or enough to turn the milk bright yellow. The color should feel warm like sunshine; and perhaps make you smile.)

  3. Add powdered ashwaganda for added stress relief, and cardamom, honey and cayenne pepper to taste.

  4. Serve in your favorite mug and admire its sun-kissed color while watching the rain fall and the full moon rise.

  5. Give thanks to the hands that prepared and transported the milk and spices to you.

  6. Give thanks to  South Asian cultures and ancestors that preserved this recipe for grounding and nourishment, reducing inflammation and muscle aches, and preventing colds.

  7. Repeat on rainy or cold days, or times when things just feel upside down. Remember sunshine.


Introducing the Cultural Medicine Series: Soul Family Medicine


Reclaim the Sabbath