Decolonize September


Ah, the leaves, the sweaters, the back to school sales… fall in the USA. But let's not get it twisted - our ancestors did not think of this as a time to "ramp up," launch new programs, and run ourselves ragged - just because the kids are back in school.

I gave myself luxurious, slow time in August, but when September hit, I was back at lightning speed. Not thinking. It's so easy, falling back into patterns set by All-American Scarcity + eldest child + single mom + hustler pride.

But I'm older now, and I know a few new things, namely: how to downshift my schedule, carve out time for breaks, and how to do a Soul Return Meditation.

I watched the sunset tonight, listening to frogs and imagining wrapping my Soul around me, like a warm, golden blanket. Asking her to come back to me, to fill me with light and spark, rather than feeling like an engine running all day. Bringing that electricity inside of me, instead of always sending it out somewhere.

Equi-nox : equal night.

After Sept. 20th, northern hemisphere nights will become longer than days, and as humans, birthed from the earth, our desire to rest will overtake our reserves for action. Whether we love it or not, we might just need warming foods, hot chocolate, cinnamon and allspice, sesame oil self-massages, fire cider, more sleep and more naps, to make us feel right again.

This is a time of deep nourishing, deep inward focus. If you do this fall and winter right, it could fill deep reserves in your cup for years to come (or, deplete you for years). It’s an invitation to experiment with your outward movement being awkwardly, uncomfortably SLOW. Catch yourself thinking the word LAZY. See how that word is colonization and racial innuendo at its best. Catch yourself wondering if anyone will still love you if you aren’t productive, accomplished, successful… Again, see the ways that thinking comes from the Matrix. Take the red pill. Let yourself be preserved through the winter, just like we can our beans and jelly our fruits. Do the minimum - and schedule it in! (Yes, I dropped 2 classes this term - I want to enjoy my life. I’ll take a full load in February, because I also want to finish one day. But I’d rather be an old doctor than a burned out, cranky one.)

Don't let burnout win. Don't let Capitalism be your inner star.

Check out my Instagram stories these next couple weeks for traditional cultural recipes, herbs for stress, and self-bodywork practices through Equinox and leading up to a September 25th talk on Seasonal Medicines and retreat events, hosted by an awesome collaboration of over 15 healers. Sliding scale. See link in bio for registration info and click on "Oshun Center Event Calendar."

Peace, loves. I’m going to bed early tonight.



The Sliding Fee Scale & other justice practices for entrepreneurs